Fabiana OnakaÓtimo trabalho! Superou as minhas expectativas! Ficou melhor do que eu esperava! Super recomendo! (Translated by Google) Great job! Exceeded my expectations! It was better than I expected! I highly...Ótimo trabalho! Superou as minhas expectativas! Ficou melhor do que eu esperava! Super recomendo! (Translated by Google) Great job! Exceeded my expectations! It was better than I expected! I highly recommend it!
baby girl車のコーティングをしていただきました。 初めて自分で買った車なのでちゃんとケアをしてあげたいと思いお願いしました。 仕事も早く、台車も貸していただきました。 フロントガラスまで綺麗にしていただき、新車...車のコーティングをしていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I had my car coated.
Since this is the first car I bought myself, I wanted to take good care of it, so I asked for it.
The work was quick and they even lent me a trolley.
Even the windshield was cleaned, making it shine like a new car.
I can feel safe entrusting my car with him, and above all, I think he is a trustworthy owner. -
mii19インスタで目に止まり気になり洗車コースをお願いし来店しました😌 インスタを見ると高級車ばかりだったのでうちの車をお願いするのはちょっと場違いかな?と思いましたが問い合わせしたところ感じもよく返信をい...インスタで目に止まり気になり洗車コースをお願いし来店しました😌
(Translated by Google)
I saw it on Instagram and was curious about it so I came to the store to ask for a car wash course 😌
When I looked at Instagram, it was all about luxury cars, so I thought it would be a little out of place to ask for my car. I thought so, but when I inquired, I received a very nice reply and was able to make a reservation ✨
He's a professional after all! It's completely different from washing it yourself 🥺 (Is it obvious? 😂)
As expected ✨ When I went to pick it up after the car was finished, I looked at the car and got excited 🥺 I was worried that the windshield inside was also dirty, but I couldn't wipe it clean myself so I didn't look at it. When I was pretending, they told me that the windshield had blown out as well, so I felt a lot better about their thoughtfulness✨
I would like to order a different course next time, and I'm thinking about making regular reservations for car washes as well.
The president was also very easy to talk to 👦🏼
At the end of the year, my car looks beautiful and I feel good ✨
I’m glad I made a reservation 😆😆😆
Thank you for coming out in the cold 😌
Thank you again 🚘 -
森下晴輝徹底洗車でお世話になりました。 オーナーの奥村さんは、話や易く作業前後に丁寧に内容を説明してくださいました。綺麗になった愛車を見て、興奮してしまいました。間違いなく、お値段以上のサービスだと思います...徹底洗車でお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your thorough car wash.
The owner, Mr. Okumura, was easy to talk to and carefully explained the details before and after the work. I was so excited to see my car in such beautiful condition. I definitely think the service is more than worth the price.
I would like to request your help again. Thank you very much. -
kusukuwa 8初めてお伺いさせていただきました! 私の予定が常に急にしかわからないため 都合が合わずでしたがやっと行けました! お忙しい中無理を言って遅めの時間帯にすみませんでした笑 お願いしたメニューはディテイル...初めてお伺いさせていただきました!
個人経営の店舗様では皆様丁寧に作業してくれますがFirst Classさんは特に時間をかけてめちゃくちゃ細かいところまでキレイにしてくれていました。
(Translated by Google)
This is my first time visiting you!
Because my schedule is always unpredictable
It wasn't convenient, but I was finally able to go!
I'm sorry I had to force you to arrive late despite your busy schedule lol
The menu I requested was a detail wash.
My car is happy with this as it washes very carefully (^-^)
What surprised me was the cleaning of the tire house and the detailed cleaning using a brush.
At privately run stores, everyone does their work with great care, but First Class especially took the time to clean every detail.
The part of me that I want to be clean
They were doing it as if they had heard it!
On the way, I thought I had requested a ``thorough car wash.''
Not only the work but also the president's personality is great😆👍🏻
If you like car washes or car enthusiasts, please give this place a try.
It's popular and busy, so be sure to make a reservation before you go 😁 -
k t.先日初めての来店。 オーナーの奥村さんはとても話しやすい方で説明等も詳しくしていただきました🙇♂️ 細部まで丁寧に施工していただき、最高の仕上がりでしたので非常に満足しております! (Translated by Goog...先日初めての来店。
(Translated by Google)
Visited for the first time the other day.
The owner, Mr. Okumura, is very easy to talk to and gave detailed explanations 🙇♂️
The work was done with great care down to the smallest detail, and I am very satisfied with the finished product! -
Chi- Suzuki徹底洗車と簡易コーティングのリセットコースを利用させていただきました。 ボディーの錆が気になっていたのですが、全て綺麗に無くなり、天井はかなりザラザラした状態だったのが全てツルツルになりました! 扉...徹底洗車と簡易コーティングのリセットコースを利用させていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I used the reset course of thorough car wash and simple coating.
I was worried about the rust on the body, but it's all gone completely, and the ceiling, which was quite rough, is now completely smooth!
Everything from the dirt on the inside of the door to the tire housing is now cleaner than when the car was delivered new, so I'm very satisfied!
From the initial construction consultation, to explanations of the construction details, and recommended cleaning solutions and coatings, they were very attentive from start to finish.
I would definitely like to use it again! -
Pedro Henriqueいつもありがとうございます。 とても良い品質の洗車用品ばかりでおすすめです。 これからもよろしくお願いします。 (Translated by Google) Thank you as always. I highly recommend them as they have very g...いつもありがとうございます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you as always.
I highly recommend them as they have very good quality car wash supplies.
Thank you for your continued support. -
Imperial Body遅くなって申し訳ないです〜 車の購入店でコーティングを頼むとどんな内容かわからず言いなりで納得出来ない感じだったので専門店でと思っておりました。 KEEPER等だとバイトが適当にやってそうだったので、この...遅くなって申し訳ないです〜
もちろん仕上がりもバッチリで納車前からあった擦り傷も綺麗になっていて嬉しかったです( *´꒳`*)
またちょくちょく洗車もお願いしたいと思っておりますのでよろしくお願いいたします(ㅅ´ ˘ `)
(Translated by Google)
Sorry for being late~
When I went to the shop where I bought my car and asked for a coating, they didn't know what the details were and I couldn't accept what they said, so I thought I'd go to a specialty shop.
KEEPER etc. seemed to have a decent part-time job, so I asked Coco, who I had been following on Instagram before I bought this car, to ask 😊
The owner, Mr. Okumura, was very personable and gave detailed explanations, so I felt at ease entrusting him with the job.
Of course, the finish was perfect, and I was happy to see that the scratches that were there before delivery were cleaned up (*´꒳`*)
I would also like to ask you to wash your car from time to time, so please do so (ㅅ´ ˘ `) -
FJ 40コーティングをお願いしました。 暑い中非常に大変だったと思いますが、とても丁寧な仕事で車を見てニヤニヤが止まりませんでした😏 オーナーさんも気さくな方で、今後も洗車やメンテナンスなどをお願いしたいと思...コーティングをお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked for coating.
I'm sure it was very difficult in the hot weather, but they did a very thorough job and I couldn't stop grinning when I saw the car 😏
The owner is also a friendly person, and I would like to ask him for car washes and maintenance in the future! -
木澤龍ディテイルウォッシュをお願いしました。 仕上がりも大満足で気さくで楽しかったです! 代車も用意していただけて、仕事の間に施工していただきました! またよろしくお願いします!ありがとうございました。 (T...ディテイルウォッシュをお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked for a detail wash.
I was very satisfied with the finished product and it was friendly and fun!
They even provided a loaner car and did the work while I was at work!
Thank you again! thank you very much. -
けーてぃー初来店でディティールウォッシュをお願いしました。 オーナー様は気さくで話し易く、車に関して素人の私にも理解できるように作業の説明をしていただけました。 その他の質問にも親身になってご相談に乗っていた...初来店でディティールウォッシュをお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked for a detail wash on my first visit.
The owner was friendly and easy to talk to, and he explained the work to me in a way that even I, an amateur when it comes to cars, could understand.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to consult with me regarding any other questions you may have.
I was very satisfied with my car wash.
As I talked with them, I got the impression that the company is run with "trust" as one of its mottos.
If you take good care of your car and want to keep it clean, please give it a try. -
423 kaとっても親切で色々と気を遣ってくれてとっても良い感じでした。仕事も一つ一つ説明しながら作業してくれて、今後の車の維持の仕方などのアドバイスも頂き長くお付き合いしたいと思いました。 夢の車パナメーラを...とっても親切で色々と気を遣ってくれてとっても良い感じでした。仕事も一つ一つ説明しながら作業してくれて、今後の車の維持の仕方などのアドバイスも頂き長くお付き合いしたいと思いました。
(Translated by Google)
He was very kind and took great care of me, which made me feel really good. They explained each job to me one by one as they worked, and they gave me advice on how to maintain my car in the future, which made me want to work with them for a long time.
I want to get my dream car, the Panamera, and drive it as cleanly as possible, so I'm glad I found a place where I can feel safe. -
安江尚生10年乗ってとても気に入った車だったので乗り換えずに綺麗にしてもらう決断しました。 とても良い仕上がりで大満足です。 (Translated by Google) I had driven the car for 10 years and liked it so much that...10年乗ってとても気に入った車だったので乗り換えずに綺麗にしてもらう決断しました。
(Translated by Google)
I had driven the car for 10 years and liked it so much that I decided to have it cleaned up instead of changing.
I am very satisfied with the finished product. -
凌央上山仕上がり最高でした! 大きな車も快く受け入れてもらい、ありがとうございました!! 一度お話を聞きに行く価値アリです👍👍 (Translated by Google) The finish was great! Thank you for accepting my big car!...仕上がり最高でした!
(Translated by Google)
The finish was great!
Thank you for accepting my big car! !
It's worth going to listen to the story once. -
t Hdセラミックコーティングでお世話になりました 新車のような輝きで大満足です! オーナーのヒデキさんすごく面白い方です 凄く親切😀 (Translated by Google) Thank you for your help with ceramic coating. I'm v...セラミックコーティングでお世話になりました
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your help with ceramic coating.
I'm very happy with how it shines like a new car!
The owner, Hideki, is a very interesting person.
Very kind 😀 -
たまだりょうた初めて伺いました。手際よく作業をしてもらい、もちろん車も綺麗になり満足でした。人柄もすごく良くて話しやすくて雰囲気の良いお店でした。 (Translated by Google) It was my first time visiting. The work ...初めて伺いました。手際よく作業をしてもらい、もちろん車も綺麗になり満足でした。人柄もすごく良くて話しやすくて雰囲気の良いお店でした。
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time visiting. The work was done in a timely manner, and of course my car came out clean and I was very satisfied. He was very personable and easy to talk to, and the store had a great atmosphere. -
hi saボディのリフレッシュを期待して施工をお願いしました。 期待通りガラスの油膜、モールとてもスッキリ綺麗にしてもらいました^_^ オーナー様はとても丁寧で気さくな感じの良い人柄です。 (Translated by Google...ボディのリフレッシュを期待して施工をお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I requested the construction in hopes of refreshing the body.
As expected, the oil film on the glass and the molding were very clean and clean ^_^
The owner is a very polite and friendly person. -
大町健人洗車でお世話になりました。 気さくなオーナーさんと色々お話ししながら楽しい時間を過ごせました。 洗車もドア内部まで洗って頂き、自分で洗う以上に綺麗になってました。 近ければ毎週伺いたいです笑 今後とも...洗車でお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for helping me wash my car.
I had a great time talking with the friendly owner.
The car was also washed, including the inside of the door, and it came out cleaner than if I washed it myself.
If it were near, I would like to visit you every week lol
Thank you for your continued support. -
Okumura LeticiaSempre oferecendo o melhor serviço e melhores produtos do mercado da estética automotiva (Translated by Google) Always offering the best service and best products in the automotive aesthetics marketSempre oferecendo o melhor serviço e melhores produtos do mercado da estética automotiva (Translated by Google) Always offering the best service and best products in the automotive aesthetics market
アッツー年末の洗車で依頼をしました。 まるで新車のように返ってきて感激しました。 またお願いしたいです。 (Translated by Google) I requested this for a car wash at the end of the year. I was thrilled to have...年末の洗車で依頼をしました。
(Translated by Google)
I requested this for a car wash at the end of the year.
I was thrilled to have my car back like a new car.
I would like to ask you again. -
Dri UedaSuper recomendo ! Excelente trabalho ! Nota 10! (Translated by Google) I highly recommend it! Excellent work! 10 out of 10!Super recomendo !
Excelente trabalho ! Nota 10! (Translated by Google) I highly recommend it!
Excellent work! 10 out of 10!
トミナガさむオーナーのヒデキさん最高に面白くていい人😂 車に詳しくない私にもしっかり説明をして、相談に乗ってくれました🙏ありがたかったです✨ 撥水効果も抜群。汚れたときの洗車もとても楽ちんになったのでコーティング...オーナーのヒデキさん最高に面白くていい人😂
(Translated by Google)
The owner, Hideki, is the funniest and nicest person😂
Even though I don't know much about cars, he gave me a good explanation and gave me some advice 🙏 I was very grateful ✨
Excellent water repellency. I'm glad I had the coating done because it's so much easier to wash my car when it gets dirty.
Above all, the car had many small scratches, but I was moved to see it come back shiny and shiny💓
I was very satisfied with the careful work and finished product, and I felt that if I were to order from here again, I would definitely choose this place 👍✨ -
空碧(ひまわり)RESETコースをお願いしました。新車の時のようにピカピカな姿で帰ってきてびっくりしました。細部まで綺麗にして頂きありがとうございました。まさにRESETですね。 (Translated by Google) I asked for the RESE...RESETコースをお願いしました。新車の時のようにピカピカな姿で帰ってきてびっくりしました。細部まで綺麗にして頂きありがとうございました。まさにRESETですね。
(Translated by Google)
I asked for the RESET course. I was surprised to see the car come home looking as shiny as when it was new. Thank you for making every detail so beautiful. It's really a RESET. -
せんおるハードポリッシュとコーティング、ウインドーとホイールのコーティングをお願いしました。 新車以上の艶が出て、非常に満足です。 また今後もよろしくお願いします。 (Translated by Google) We asked for hard ...ハードポリッシュとコーティング、ウインドーとホイールのコーティングをお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
We asked for hard polish and coating, as well as window and wheel coating.
I'm very satisfied with the shine, which is better than a new car.
We look forward to working with you again in the future. -
がっちゃん聞いていた通り,車内も新車みたいにピカピカ!タイヤの細かな部分まで本当に丁寧に綺麗にして頂き感動です。家まで取りに来てくれてありがたいです。そしてオーナーさんも人柄がすごく良くて笑顔が素敵! 自分で...聞いていた通り,車内も新車みたいにピカピカ!タイヤの細かな部分まで本当に丁寧に綺麗にして頂き感動です。家まで取りに来てくれてありがたいです。そしてオーナーさんも人柄がすごく良くて笑顔が素敵!
(Translated by Google)
As I heard, the inside of the car is as shiny as a new car! I was impressed by how carefully they cleaned every detail of the tire. Thank you for coming to my house to pick it up. The owner is also very personable and has a wonderful smile!
It's different from washing it yourself! At first I thought it was a waste, but I'm really glad I ordered it.
Please do some maintenance this time.
Nice to meet you again. -
Mayumi FernandesExcelência profissional 🤩 muito obrigada! (Translated by Google) Professional excellence 🤩 thank you very much!Excelência profissional 🤩 muito obrigada! (Translated by Google) Professional excellence 🤩 thank you very much!
Sergio1 LoferExcelente trabalho! Parece um carro novo 🤩 muito obrigado! (Translated by Google) Excellent work! Looks like a new car 🤩 thank you very much!Excelente trabalho! Parece um carro novo 🤩 muito obrigado! (Translated by Google) Excellent work! Looks like a new car 🤩 thank you very much!
Michiko Saito
kengo takeichi今回はホイールの清掃とクリーニングを依頼し、素晴らしい仕上がりでした。たいへん丁寧で確実な作業をされていると感じました。次回もお願いするつもりです。 (Translated by Google) This time I asked them t...今回はホイールの清掃とクリーニングを依頼し、素晴らしい仕上がりでした。たいへん丁寧で確実な作業をされていると感じました。次回もお願いするつもりです。
(Translated by Google)
This time I asked them to clean and clean the wheels and the results were excellent. I felt that the work was done very carefully and reliably. I plan on ordering it again next time.